Lane Cove Council
Priority Trees prides itself on offering customers the highest quality tree services at an affordable price with over 20 years industry experience

Lane Cove Council
Priority Tree Services provides professional tree care services ranging from stump grinding, tree removal, tree pruning (sometimes referred to as tree lopping), as well as consultancy by qualified arborists within the Lane Cove Municipal Council area and much more.
Lane Cove Council Quick Links
Lane Cove Council covers the following suburbs:
- Blaxlands Corner
- Gore Hill
- Greenwich
- Lane Cove
- Lane Cove North
- Lane Cove West
- Linley Point
- Longueville
- Northwood
- Osborne Park
- Palm Gardens
- Riverview
- St Leonards
New Two Tiered Permit
Council trialed (from February 2014 to February 2015) a new two tiered permit system for trees above 4 metres.
During the trial a permit fast track application system is in place for trees between 4 and 6 metres tall and for trees that fall within one of the exempt categories listed in section B of the Tree Preservation Regulatory Controls.
The permit application will be processed free of charge and does not require inspection. It does require you to provide a photograph of the subject tree/s.The permit will be issued within one (1) week.
For all other trees, a permit must be obtained by completing a Tree Inspection Application Form.
Exempt Tree Work:
- Any tree having a height not exceeding 4 metres and a trunk diameter not greater than 150mm (measured at 1 metre above the ground)
- Pruning of dead branches. Council encourages that such pruning works are undertaken by a qualified Arborist necessary and in accordance with Australian Standard AS4373-2007 – Pruning of Amenity Trees
- Pruning of tree branches that are within 2 metres of electric powerlines as required by State Legislation (Council encourages that such pruning works are undertaken by a qualified Arborist where necessary and in accordance with AS4373-2007)
- Pruning or removal of fruit trees and flowering fruit trees (Prunus sp, Malus sp, Citrus sp)
- Pruning and reshaping of Cypress Pines (Cuppressus sp, Chamaecyparis sp) not greater than 10 % of whole canopy
- Pruning or removal of Crepe Myrtle (Lagerstroemia sp) with a height less than 6 metres
- Pruning or removal of any tree of a tree species that has been declared a noxious plant in the Lane Cove local government area under the Noxious Weeds Act 1993
- Pruning or removal of any trees belonging to any of the following species of trees:This Tree Preservation Order prohibits the ringbarking, cutting down, topping, lopping, removing, injuring or wilful destruction of any tree within the local government area of Lane Cove having a height greater than 4 metres and a diameter greater than 150 millimetres (measured at 1 metre above the ground) excepting where the consent of Council is first obtained.
Please call us on (02) 9482 5353 or click book a quote here