We currently have our arborists working on a large site in the City of Sydney Council area where all the trees on the site were due to be removed as the site requires remediation once building demolition is completed. This tree removal has obviously been met with resistance by the community as all vegetation will be lost. Aside from tree felling of a large population of Nettle Trees and other undesirable tree species there are also some natives on the site and some large Washingtonia Palms. It seemed a shame to destroy these trees and as a result we contacted a transplanting firm which regularly works with the local council in transplanting advanced trees into their parks and open spaces. After discussions with the City of Sydney Council and Hooper Cottage Plants we were able to find a new home for the Washingtonia Palms, they are to be relocated to Prince Alfred Park around the playground area. We are very pleased that these Palms, which are approximately 10 metres tall are to be further enjoyed by the local community. The tree care they will receive by the councils arborist and tree services department will ensure they will continue to flourish and remain in good health for many more years to come. Thank you to the City of Sydney Council, Hooper Cottage Plants and all the associated tree services involved for finding a new home for these wonderful trees.