Root Pruning
There are situations where specific roots may be causing damage to structures or services.
Let us fix the problem by carefully trimming the roots to preserve both the tree and the structure.
There are situations where specific roots may be causing damage to structures or services. Some of these situations include;
- Roots are lifting drive way or path
- Roots are lifting or tilting over retaining wall
- Roots are getting into sewer or storm water
- Roots are damaging service to building
- Roots are in the way of proposed dwelling or landscaping
- Roots are above ground level and are a nuisance

Root pruning should be considered as one of the last options. Cutting these roots needs to be carefully considered as this could affect the health of the tree and potentially make the tree unstable if major roots are cut. We would recommend that seek the advice of one of our qualified arborist before undertaking any root to see what other options are available before considering pruning. If pruning is suitable we are also able to assist and advise you to ensure the health and structure of the tree is not compromised.
Please call us on (02) 9482 5353 or book a quote here.